Monday, February 25, 2013

The Dame Wore Red

Another piece inspired by a theme on The tumblr Art Challenge. Here's my contribution for Film Noir Fairy Tales: The Dame Wore Red. Enjoy!


Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ballpoint Doodles Jan 2013

Here's a sampling of ballpoint pen doodles culled from the margins of my notepad at work last month. You see some Jenn and Bueno, quite a lot of my old high school characters The Cat and Trixie, and some other random stuff. Enjoy!


Monday, February 04, 2013

Cheburashka and Gena

Gift art of popular Russian characters Cheburashka and his friend, Gena Crocodile. Enjoy! 

You can get a little taste of Cheburashka on YouTube here (while they last):