Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Turkey Day

This update is just a quick illustration I did tonight so I could have a Thanksgiving-themed post. Leave it to me to come up with something as strange and disturbed as this one, huh?
But I hope you all have an enjoyable and blessed Thanksgiving holiday (and anyone who might live outside the states, have a great weekend anyway!)


Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Muddles

Well, I'm finally making a new post, so now when you check the blog, the Joker's ugly mug won't have to be the very first thing you see anymore.

This update comes from another commission from my buddy Richard for a project at the church. He wrote a Dr. Seuss-style poem about creatures called Muddles and asked for a few illustrations to go along with it. I've been in more or less a creative slump lately, so it was a bit hard for me to throw myself fully into this project. I'm afraid the final art might've suffered a little bit because of it (oh, the poor trees that gave their lives for the many pages I threw away just trying to come up with something usable!) But hopefully things turned out well enough in the end.

The actual project he's working on will be either video, or a combination of live and video (I'm not even sure), so the illustrations will likely have audio narration rather than text on the image as I've done here on the blog. I just threw that on there because I fig
ured the art would make more sense to you if it were put in context. Anyway, enjoy. Hopefully I'll be back on a more steady pace before too much more of a delay!


Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mistah J

Here's a quick rendition of Batman's #1 rogue, the Joker, done for a thread on the Drawing Board.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Fall Colors

Once again it's time to break from the usual art for some real photos. Fall is easily my favorite time of year, and lately I've managed to snap a few pictures of some of the fall colors in the area. My skills as a photographer probably keep nature's full effect from coming across, but I thought I'd share anyway.


And here is a really nice sunset I saw on the way home from work this evening.

And a few more random pictures included here:

Yellow Tree
Clouds and Tall Plants
Reddish Leaves