Thursday, August 09, 2007

Harry Potter: Escape By Dragon! (And Tonks!)

More Harry Potter fan art. Here's a scene inspired from chapter twenty-six in Deathly Hallows, in which Harry, Ron & Hermione escape Gringott's by dragon! (Don't claim it's a spoiler. If you haven't read it in three weeks, you officially don't care!) Enjoy.


And also, because some people on another forum particularly liked my Tonks design from the previous Potter posting, I did a couple of other rough character sketches of her. Here ya go! (Marvel especially at the bottom sketch, in which we apparently see Tonks entertaining Ginny and Hermione with her uncanny Muppet impersonation!)


DICK! said...

Love it. Your Tonks is quite awesome! Love the muppet stuffs and the dragon is nice too! More please! Oh, yeah and I posted a bunch crap on my blog as well. if you're interested.

Anonymous said...

cute Tonks.
and a nice dragon image.

I like how the dragon
breaks the edges of
the picture plane- it makes
it feel enormous