Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Safe Spot For Bill's New Bike

What do you know, another one of those rare "two-posts-in-one-week" weeks.

Here is another two-page comic that was done for U Magazine (Winter 2008 edition). In it we join Bill the Bill on his eighth adventure. This time he's learning how to properly care for his new bicycle The client was Big Blue Dot.

NOTE: I had successfully spent the past 31 years avoiding drawing bicycles (which may be an even bigger artistic kryptonite for me than regular vehicles and buildings), when I was assigned this comic, which is all about bikes! I'm not complaining about the work, mind you...I'm just apologizing for the horrendous quality of the "bikes" yo
u see in this comic.

ANOTHER NOTE: I also did artwork for an interactive game you can play on the USAA website, based on the content of this particular comic. I only did the artwork--the client put it all to animation. The game is linked to on the UMag webpage, or you can click here to go directly to the game.



Anonymous said...

Bill is pure Edutainment!
nicely drawn.

lame-alee conceived
I would have been better at
the game; if I had read this first~

DICK! said...

Standard Bill Fare! The "Game" is addictive! I've spent four hours on there, just looping Penny and seeing her get what she deserves, the nag.