Monday, March 03, 2008

Money Hide & Seek

Here is another two-page comic that was done for U Magazine (Spring 2008 edition). In it we join Bill the Bill as he tries to find a safe hiding place for his money. This is the most recent one...I'm posting the previous one today as well...because I forgot to ever post it last time! The client was Big Blue Dot.


DICK! said...

Very cool. I need me one a them USAA savings accounts. I especially liked the sock on the Narrative Box at the end. Nice touch. BTW, where's the love for Hamilton. Sure, in the last cartoon Abe gets his big ole mug out there, but Hamilton is just small. Oh, well.

Anonymous said...

some nice gags
solid work as usual!

Andrew said...

Thanks to each of you for the comments.

Dick: Astute observation about Hamilton. No doubt the offices of this magazine have been inundated with correspondence expressing that same concern ever since this issue's publication.