Monday, April 27, 2009

Vader in a Cooler: REDUX!

About three years back, I did a little one-page comic retelling a childhood nightmare about Darth Vader. Recently, Goobeetsa suggested I submit said comic for inclusion in a new Darth Vader-themed art book that is being compiled. It sounded like a good idea to me, so I set to work re-doing the original comic with a bit more care (and updated style) than the original showcased.

I'll update you later with more info on the release of the book as it's available to me. For now, enjoy!

For those who want to compare the new one to the original, here's a link to the image.



Chris_Garrison said...

Nice. I tried to go back and look at the original, but the images have disappeared from blogger or something. You should fix that post, so we can appreciate the difference! (or get mad at you for ruining the original)

Anonymous said...

love the blue tones

if I remember the original
was just inks?

Vader seems comical/terrifying
all at once. I'm really excited
to see the book!

Andrew said...

Thanks for the comments...and Brian, thanks goes to you for making me aware of the project. Did you submit any of your Vader stuff? The gingerbread one would have been especially nice...

As requested, I've put added a link to the original image in the post so it can be compared. (I had forgotten a lot of my older blog posts have broken links from when I changes servers...I still need to fix that.)

DICK! said...

I am makings lovings on these bran news makings of Vader cooler dreemings. Once I dreem.

Mighty L said...

I remember the old one, both versions are really good. I really crack up looking at Darth Vader in that box though, hilarious! Ahh the imagination of children. And Andrew... =)

MIght L again said...

PS I love the blue tones too.